7 Websites To Write And Get Paid
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7 Websites To Write And Get Paid

For freelance writers, websites that can pay you instantly can be a way to boost their income to earn a living.

Just by writing quality and engaging articles, blog posts, reviews, and other content for clients.

These payment websites provide a platform for writers to connect with clients or platforms that need content quickly.

Hence, they are willing to pay for the speed and quality of the work they want.

However, instant pay websites can also be appealing for writers who enjoy the flexibility of working from home or working on their own schedules.

With the ability to choose their own assignments and work on projects that interest them without office pressure.

Freelancer writers can develop their skills and expertise while earning money quickly as a tradition.

Above all, writing for the website for instant pay can be an attractive option for writers looking to earn money quickly and easily.

While still being able to focus on their personal craft and build their portfolios properly.


A breakdown of the different models that websites use to pay writers instantly.

The general payment overview includes the following;

– Per-word rates kind or writing and getting paid,

– A fix, certain payments, and revenue sharing.

However, websites that offer instant pay to writers use a variety of payment models to compensate their writers quickly.

Here are brief explanation of some of the most common models:

Per-word rates:

In this model, writers are paid a set and particular rate for each word they write.

For instance, on per word rates, a website might offer $0.10 per word, or it’s equivalent.

Of course, what this simply means is that a 500-word article would pay $50 or more.

This unique model can be very advantageous for writers who can write quickly and efficiently…

As they can earn more money by writing more words in a shorter amount of time, making it more lucrative as a career.

Fixed payments:

Some websites offer certain payments for fixed types of content, without alteration or negotiation.

Such as product reviews contents or how-to guides in the other hands.

For example, a website might offer $50 to $100 for a 1,000-word product review.

This model can be very beneficial for writers who are professional in writing specific types of content and can complete assignments as quickly as possible.

Revenue sharing:

In this particular model, writers earn a percentage of the revenue generated by their content, such as through ad clicks or affiliate sales.

For example, several websites offer a 50/50 revenue split, to their content creators…

This is simply meaning that the writer earns 50% of the revenue generated by their content.

This revenue sharing can be beneficial for writers who are able to produce high-quality, engaging content that attracts a large audience.

Hourly rates:

Most website owners offer hourly rates for writing articles on their blogs and websites…

This simply means that writers are paid for the amount of time they spend working on a particular project.

However, this model can be beneficial for writers who are good in their niche and can complete assignments quickly…

This hourly rate model allows them to earn more money per hour for completing a giving assignment.

Nevertheless, the payment model used by a website will depend on the type of quality content they are looking for…

As well as their respective budget, and their overall business model.

It’s very important for writers to understand the payment model of the website they are working with.

Just to make sure, they get a fair compensation for their creative work in return.

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It’s important to know the list of the top websites where writers can earn money right away, without story.

This is inclusive of the details on their payment methods, writing guidelines, and average rates as well.

Here is a list of some of the top websites where writers can earn huge money right away, together with some details on their payment methods, writing guidelines, and average rates:

Medium writing platform:

The Medium is a popular platform for writers to share their stories and expertise on a variety of topics of their choice.

Content creators can earn money through the Medium Partner Program (MPP) as professional writers.

Which pays them due to the level of engagement their articles receive from subscribers.

However, Medium writing platforms pays writers monthly using PayPal, and the average rate is around $50 per article.

Twistok.com writing platform:

When you think of writing am authentic content, where to explore your writing skill, think of joining Twistok micro-blogging platform where you write and get paid, this one is a different of them, here you can write and earn points which is automatically converter to Naira, however you only earn and get paid if your a Nigeria, also this platform have been existing since 2021 and been paying since then to all her users, here you can earn doing other tasks but I am only talking about writing expect, to get started, kindly join them.

Text broker writing platforms:

Text broker is a popular content writing platform that connects writers with clients who need urgent articles, blog posts, and other types of content.

Professional writers can choose from a range of assignments and earn money based on the quality of their article.

However, Textbroker pays her writers through PayPal as well, and their average rate is around $0.05 per word.

For instance, you can earn $50 on every quality article that’s up to 1000 words…

iWriter -writing platform:

IWriter is a content writing platform that offers her writers the opportunity to earn money by writing articles, blog posts, and other types of content for clients.

Thus, writers here can choose from a range of assignments and earn money based on the length and complexity of the work.

However, iWriter pays writers through PayPal, and their average rate is around $0.01-$0.02 per word.

That is to say that, you will earn the $10 to $20 on every acceptable high quality 1000 posts.

Video on (IWriter)

Listverse writing platform:

Listverse is a golden platform that always publishes list-style articles on a variety of topics for her audience.

However, writers can submit their own list-style articles and earn $100 per accepted article they post.

Listverse pays her writers through a PayPal account for safe transportation.

HireWriters writing platform:

HireWriters is a unique content writing platform that connects writers with clients who need articles, blog posts, and other types of content directly.

Writers can always choose from a wide range of assignments and earn money based on the quality of their work.

HireWriters pays writers and publishers through PayPal, and the average rate is around $0.01-$0.02 per word, respectively.

Fiverr writing platform:

Fiverr is a freelance platform where professional writers can offer their writing services to international clients.

Writers on Fiverr usually set their own personal rates and choose from a variety of writing assignments of their choice.

Some of the segments can be a blog posts, product descriptions or reviews, and social media content.

Fiverr normally pays writers through PayPal, and rates vary depending on the assignment and the writer’s level of experience, respectively.

These are just a few examples of several websites where writers can earn huge money right away.

It’s essential to do your research thoroughly and read the guidelines carefully…

Hence, this will help to ensure that the platform is a good fit for your skills and interests at large.

Pros and Cons

An overview of the advantages and disadvantages of writing for websites that pay instantly to clients.

Such as the potential for quick income versus the lower rates or higher competition as well.

Writing for websites that pay instantly can have several advantages and disadvantages, be it as it may.

Here are some of the main pros and cons to consider on Websites Where You Can Write And Get Paid Instantly 2023.

3 main advantages

  • Quick income:

One of the main advantages of writing for websites that pay instantly is the potential for quick income and revenue.

Since these websites typically pay writers soon after they complete an assignment exactly to meet demands.

Writers can always earn enough money quickly and see the results of their work in a short amount of time.

  • Flexibility:

Many websites that pay instantly offer flexible work arrangements, which are topnotch, allowing good writers to work on their own schedule and choose assignments that suit their expertise and interest.

  • Easy entry:

Several websites and blogs that pay instantly have a low barrier to entry.

Thereby making it very easy for new writers to commence and gain quality experience.

This can be an amazing way for aspiring writers to build their writing portfolio and improve their skills.

3 main disadvantages

  • Lower rates:

While many writing for websites that pay instantly can provide quick income, the rates are usually lower than what writers earn through other kinds of writing work.

This is due to the fact that the websites need to make a profit at every slightest opportunity.

In other to pay their writers a high rate which may not be financially sustainable.

  • Higher competition:

Writing for several websites that pay instantly is highly competitive, especially in Nigeria, my brother.

With many website writers vying for the same assignments, some even with lower charges.

However, this usually makes it very difficult for new writers to start building their portfolio in every niche.

As this may require a significant amount of time and effort to build up a consistent stream of work and income.

  • Limited opportunities:

Many websites that pay instantly may have limited opportunities for writers, and are usually selective.

Particularly in terms of the types of content they normally publish or the subjects they cover on their websites.

This can limit the range of assignments available to writers and makes it difficult to find work in certain niches.

Furthermore, writing for websites that pay instantly is a good option for writers who are looking for quick income and flexible work arrangements.

However, it’s essential to weigh the advantages and disadvantages carefully and choose a platform that aligns with your skills, income goals and interests.

How to maximize your earnings through writing for websites:

This is practical advice for writers who want to maximize their earnings and opportunities on instant-pay websites.

Such as choosing the right niche, building a portfolio, and staying organized for international clients.

As an ardent writer who wants to maximize your earnings and opportunities on instant-pay websites, you need strategic steps.

There are many practical steps you can take.

Here are tips to help you guide you to start maximizing your earnings.

Choose the right writable niche:

Of course, this is basically one of the best ways to maximize your earnings on instant-pay websites.

This is to choose a loveable and write a niche that is in high demand, locally and internationally.

Look for several topics or subjects that are popular with readers and clients, and not anything you like.

Always focus your writing efforts on those areas, that readers and clients want.

For instance, if you have expertise in health and wellness, you may want to focus on writing articles on that topic.

Build a portfolio:

Building a portfolio of your work can help you stand out to clients and increase your chances of getting a job before anyone.

Choose your best work and create a professional-looking portfolio that showcases your writing skills and expertise.

You can always use your portfolio to apply for writing assignments and attract clients at all times.

Especially those who are looking for writers with your specific skills and experience.

Stay organized:

When you’re working on instant-pay websites, it’s necessary to be organized and keep track of your assignments, deadlines, and payments.

Use a planner or project management tool to keep track of your schedule, and dealings on a daily basis.

Always make sure that you submit your assignments on time to avoid any penalties or missed opportunities.

Be professional in your writing:

Whenever you’re working on instant-pay websites, it’s very crucial to be professional and treat your clients and editors with respect.

Try to communicate clearly and promptly, and follow the guidelines and instructions provided by the website or client.

This can help you build a reputation as a reliable and skilled writer, in all you do on the job and out of the job.

Which can lead to more opportunities and higher-paying assignments in future or recommendation as well.

Network and promote yourself:

Building relationships with other writers and clients can be a great way to find new opportunities and increase your earnings.

Join online writing groups or forums, attend writing conferences or events, and use social media to promote your work.

This is because social media can help you stand out and connect with potential clients.

However, by following these tips, you can maximize your earnings and opportunities on instant-pay websites.

As well as build a successful writing career online, just sitting at home.

Remember to be patient and persistent, and keep honing your writing skills and expertise over time.


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